Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Confession Post

I'm copying Tiffany and writing a confession Blog. Ironically, I've been a really good girl this week. I billed on Saturday and went to church with the family. I cleaned and did laundry on Sunday. I've worked out every night this week and avoided the cupcakes in the firm kitchen. Yay Me!

But now for the confessions...

#1: I laugh at my injured dog. My male boxer had his dew claws removed last week. Both front paws are wrapped and he is wearing a cone. The cone is the source of my laughter. Frank can get OUT of the doggy door (with a ton of effort-hilarious) but he has not learned how to get back IN the doggy door. The door works in the same way for entry and exit but getting back in is just too complicated for my poor puppy. Hence, he sits outside and wimpers (he is 5 years old) until my husband or I let him in. It's pathetic and hilarious.

#2: I don't want my husband to be more fit than me. I have always been health-conscious (although you'd never guess it by looking at my "soft' frame.) I have a consistent work-out buddy and I watch every bite. My husband is a fan of video games and beer (which generally keep him occupied while I am at the gym or out running.) Recently he signed up for an obstacle course competition. He now completes a rigorous training routine twice per week. Needless to say, his male metabolism is going to melt away the pounds and I will be the "less fit" spouse in no time. Perhaps I should rejoice in having a trophy husband or perhaps I should stick to my original plan of upping my own fitness efforts!

#3: I hate to be corrected, instructed etc...I KNOW that correction and instruction will only make me a better person but my blood boils every time my husband plays backseat driver in an effort to make me drive more efficiently or offers "add this spice" advice while I am making dinner...ugghhh. I know I'm nowhere near perfect, but I'd like to be and that is why I get so frustrated.

#4: Id like to be perfect but who wouldn't?

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