Thursday, July 22, 2010

Why Wait?

Hola blogosphere! I am a very blessed woman! In the last 3 years, I was accepted to law school, became an auntie, married my best friend and now I am getting ready to take the bar, become an auntie again and start my career as an attorney! I am excited to share my experiences with whomever finds them interesting, but mostly to keep track of all the crazy changes that life will surely bring.

July 27-28th (four days from tomorrow!) I take the NM Bar. Today I completed 100 practice questions. Tonight I will do another 100 and I am listening to a contracts lecture as I write my first blog-contracts Arrgh!.

It would probably be wise to wait until after the bar to start blogging, but I thought it would be fun to look back someday when I am practicing attorney and see what my state of mind was at the inception of my career. Under the Federal Rules of Evidence, there exist a number of exceptions to the rule against hearsay, including present sense impression, present state of mind and excited utterances(which are declared while still under the stress of a startling event.) The logic behind these particular exceptions is that they are presumed to be accurate because they are fresh in the mind of the declarant and that the declarant would have little if any incentive or time to lie.

I wanted to have a recorded recollection of the summer I spent attending bar review classes for 8 weeks, followed by 2 weeks of studying at school with my buddy Laura, and one final week in sundresses and flipflops- at my house consuming as much "brain food" as my body will hold (yummy avocados, fish and green tea,) absorboing the law and taking breaks every few hours to play fetch with my dogs.

I can hardly imagine what life will be like in the absence of flash cards and bar review notes, listening to music instead of bar review lectures and going to bed before 1am. What will I do with the hours that aren't spent taking practice tests? Only time will tell.